Rob Dutka, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Tell us about your massage school and other trainings: 

I went to school in Sedona, AZ almost 6 years ago where I received a very well rounded and diverse education in multiple modalities. I have also studied Til Luchau's Advanced Myofascial course and Tom Meyers' Anatomy Trains. One of my favorite courses was the Milne Institute's Visionary Craniosacral Work series where I have completed half of the 7 modules so far, including the advanced courses.

What bodywork are you currently studying?

I am currently studying with the Milne Institute to finish the program as well as working on my prerequisites towards matriculating into an osteopathy program in Switzerland.



What do you want people to know about their body?

The body talks! Not only is it a sense organ for memories and emotions, it also tells you whats going on with it. The key is to listen and hold space for its expression and one of the doorways into this practice is the breath. Your body wants to be heard and seen as much and deeply as you do!


What do you want people to know about health and wellness?

I believe health and wellness is about balance. Symptoms themselves are not something that is 'wrong' so much as signs that there is something out of balance. It is a sign more so than the problem itself and the underlying issue may not be on the same level as the symptom. Sometimes, for example, emotional imbalances present as physical symptoms, and working on either can help the other.

Self-Care Advice

Drink water and listen to your body!

What is your favorite system in the body?

I am really fascinated by the musculoskeletal system and its relationship to the nervous system. As the nervous system relaxes, so too does the musculoskeletal system. I also love that the entire musculoskeletal system is one big tensegrity model! Amazing!

Favorite thing to do in Sandpoint?

Getting on/in the water of course! Whether it's wake boarding, sailing, free diving or paddle boarding down the river, I love to be on the water to reset, reground, and reconnect!